uCarenet enables seniors to age in the comfort of their home

An online marketplace connecting families with local, trusted caregivers based on their specific needs.

Want to find out how to make the best out of your search? Learn more.

Are you a caregiver looking for a job? Search here.

Qualified caregivers ready to assist

Why Choose uCarenet?

You choose the best caregivers for your needs.

uCarenet enables you to choose the right person based on specific skills, language, and matching interests, and hire directly trusted professional caregivers in your community.

No Contracts or Hidden Fees. Hire Directly.

uCarenet, an online home care booking platform and care management app allows you to search for and communicate with caregivers, view their posted hourly rates, and hire home services for seniors directly.

Flexible care plan that matches your needs and requirements.

At uCarenet our mission is to make home care for seniors accessible for all. We want to maximize the number of hours you or your seniors can get care. For this we don’t charge any fees and you pay only the caregivers for their services.

Offering safety and peace of mind.

uCarenet matches you with trusted, qualified, insured caregivers with optional background checks. Ask your caregiver to provide end of shift summaries and wellness reports on the physical and emotional well-being of your family members so you stay informed.

"Given that most agencies do not guarantee the same PSW every day and the complex need of the person in my care, it became clear I needed to help finding a private PSW. Several attempts were made to use KIJI and such but nothing worked out. I turned to twitter, asking other PSW advocates for resources and that were I found uCarenet. It came highly recommended by 2 PSW's I follow and seemed to fit our needs. Within a few days, we were able to hire 2 PSW's, both continue to work the needed shifts and care has been excellent. I cannot express how much stress and worry about hiring people was gone once we connected with uCarenet."

- Sharon F., Toronto ON

"A second testimonial if we get one that says something about someone."

- Nice person., Hamilton ON

"We can add as many testimonials as we wish the pagination will populate automatically. This will be the third one."

- Someone F., Ottawa ON

Connect, communicate and contract with ease

Get connected with trusted and qualified caregivers in your community on the go.

uCarenet+ provides shift summaries and wellness reports that allows you to monitor the health of seniors remotely. Download the app now!

Are you caregiver looking for new opportunities?

Create an account to be notified of new care requests in your area. Post your searchable profile, display availability, and service offerings. Families are looking for people just like you.

Resources for your homecare journey

For Families

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Canadians are Choosing Home Care for Seniors Because of Pandemicss

The reality of the pandemic may still be on your mind. That includes your worries about influenza and the toll the flu can take on elders.

The Definitive Guide and List of Interview Questions for Hiring a Caregiver

Hiring the right Caregiver is a combination of Art and Science, and when these two intersect we can find the perfect match in terms of personality and competency.

For Caregivers

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Managing How Can I Be An Effective Caregiver

There is a significant gap between the number of Canadian seniors who want to age in place and those who believe they will accomplish this goal. Engaging a caregiver's help allows more seniors the ability to remain safely in their home environments while reducing safety and security risks that could impact their overall health and well-being.

While looking after my aging mother, I realized how helpless families can feel.

I then decided to equip families with modern technology to make aging more comfortable. Our easy-to-use platforms simplify the burdensome tasks associated with coordinating the care needs for family member, from the sourcing, booking and scheduling of home visits to managing communications with caregivers and staying informed on the care recipient’s current health and wellness.

Read more about our story

Equal Access to all.

UCarenet is committed to improving the delivery of care and to providing equal access to all. We have partnered with Dr. Martin Chasen of William Osler Health System to develop ReLIEF, a virtual palliative care app that focuses on helping palliative patients at home.

Read more about uCareRELIEF

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