uCarenet+ provides you with direct access to on-demand, quality, professional caregivers in your community. uCarenet+ technology helps you quickly find the best match for your needs. Filter by matching your care needs, budget, time commitment needed & more!
uCarenet+ makes it easy for you to make an informed decision about who you hire. uCarenet+ tools help you screen, filter, and directly hire professional caregivers with optional background checks. Find caregivers with clear background checks so you know they’re trustworthy—all the while eliminating agency costs.
uCarenet+ gives you the peace of mind with tools and resources to remotely manage and monitor a home care plan including: caregiver schedules, visibility on caregiver check-ins, tracking hours worked, task management, medication management and more.
uCarenet+ end of shift summaries and wellness reports provides you with real-time insights into patients well-being, helping reduce escalation of potential health issues, and to monitor longitudinal wellness data to prevent the next health crisis.
We understand that having an aging parent can be draining for family members. With the free uCarenet app you can remotely monitor the quality-of-care your parents are receiving—and their wellness—while they age at home.
Get connected with trusted in home caregivers in your community on the go, no matter where you are. Download uCarenet now and subscribe to uCarenet+!
The pandemic has revealed that home is the safest place to be, however families are at a fundamental disadvantage; They are not digitally equipped to manage their aging family member's needs and budgets.
By enabling real-time communication and shared calendars between caregivers and families along with automated reminders—uCarenet+ improves the quality of elder home care services an aging person can receive.
You can count on an experienced, qualified and trusted caregiver. uCarenet home care booking platform can easily track background checks, skills, and certifications. Yes, you can ask for a background check from a caregiver before hiring. uCarenet has partnered with certn for background checks of caregivers. Click on the following linke for more information about what caregivers background check.
Our basic version is completely free of cost where you can create your account on our platform and connect with the caregivers based on your needs and requirements. The uCarenet+ also leverages technology to provide superior features that allow families and caregivers to monitor the health of seniors even remotely in addition to a remote management of care plans. The premium features can be unlocked with a subscription at the cost of $15 per month.
Every caregiver charges differently, starting from $14.25. uCarenet doesn’t uplift caregivers hourly rate. Families save money costs by hiring caregivers directly through uCarenet and eliminating agency fees. This also allows caregivers to earn more which help increase their job satisfaction and comittment to their clients.
Quickly find available caregivers in your area. Filter your search based on needs like time of day needed, skills required, length of shift & more!
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