Enter your city or postal code above and click search for caregivers to find caregivers in your area.
Our easy-to-use platform takes the guess work out of trying to find a qualified caregiver. We match your family member with the right caregiver based on location, language preference, interests & more. We ensure your family member finds a trusted companion and are dedicated to improving the well-being of the aging population by equipping you with the right tools and knowledge to manage your care plan.
Whether you are looking for Senior care, nursing care, Alzheimer’s care, palliative care, a Personal Support Worker (PSW), or companionship to help reduce senior loneliness, you can find qualified caregivers on the uCarenet platform.
With uCarenet you have the power of technology to personalize a care plan to your family’s needs and budget. You can search for and hire local caregivers from $17.00 per hour.
By cutting out the middleman and hiring direct you can care more, save more, and get more hours of home care.
"Given that most agencies do not guarantee the same PSW every day and the complex need of the person in my care, it became clear I needed to help finding a private PSW. Several attempts were made to use KIJI and such but nothing worked out. I turned to twitter, asking other PSW advocates for resources and that were I found uCarenet. It came highly recommended by 2 PSW's I follow and seemed to fit our needs. Within a few days, we were able to hire 2 PSW's, both continue to work the needed shifts and care has been excellent. I cannot express how much stress and worry about hiring people was gone once we connected with uCarenet."
- Sharon F., Toronto ON
Best Match:
This option uses the information provided in your profile to match you to your most compatible caregiver. It considers everything from required skills, availability, interests and more.
Here you can filter by the language(s) you’d like a caregiver to speak.
This gives you the opportunity to identify the type of skill set you are looking for. For example Personal Support Worker (PSW) Registered Nurse (RN) or Companion.
Type of care:
This options allows you to define the type of care you need. For example Alzheimer’s Care, Dementia Care, Cancer Care, Senior Care, Stroke Care, etc.
Use this filter to select the type of assistance you need. For example: Bathing and Toileting, Medication Reminders, Light Housekeeping, etc.
More filters:
Here you may select other filters such as availability for respite care, whether they’ve had a background check, whether they’re vaccinated, driving ability, and their interests.
Post your care request and have qualified local caregivers contact you.
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