Caregiver Resources Mental Health

What is Caregiver Burnout?

Joyce Murphy, RN

May 23, 2023

Mental Health

Your life as a caregiver is busy. That includes being personally busy, with your own responsibilities. Added to that, you have others to care for. It may be but one or two, depending on your schedule and needs that arise. Plus, there are the inevitable schedule changes that occur.

Yes, all of this can add up to added stress on some days, and less on others. You may feel that you have all of that pretty well in hand. Yet, you’ve recently heard of fellow caregivers getting burned out. That makes you pause. The idea of getting burned out to the point that you can no longer do your caregiver work is troubling. After all, you love what you do. It means a lot to you to be able to help families keep their loved ones and elders at home.

And you worry about loss of income and the effect of that on your own family. This blog is dedicated to your well-being! You’ll read about signs of burnout and the important steps to take to prevent it. This includes taking care of yourself, so we’ll go over why it matters. Even though you know a lot of those, we share information about the here and now plus your well-being years from now. Then we include some self-care tips! These are steps to take that promote your health. One side benefit is that as you try them out, you can share different ones with other people, if you wish to do so.

Signs of Burnout

Burnout as an occupational concern has been around since the 1970s. The World Health Organization identifies the term as being related to a person’s workplace, describing it as something that is an occupational syndrome and not a medical condition. It says that burnout is caused by workplace stress. This applies to many types of caregiving or public service types jobs for which people are paid to provide for others. Along with home caregivers, it includes nurses, doctors, teachers, and firefighters, among others.

The bottom line is that burnout is associated with working too much.

These are the more common signs of burnout that you might experience:

Who to Talk With About Burnout

As you can see, burnout has similarities with other health concerns. These include chronic fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Because of this, it’s wise to discuss what you’re feeling with your primary care provider. There are suggestions your provider can make to help you feel better. Plus, if there is a chance that you have chronic fatigue or other concerning condition, your provider and you can make a plan to address it.

Steps for Preventing Burnout

It’s possible to prevent burnout, or nip it in the bud, so to speak! That means being honest with yourself when you start to feel exhausted or overwhelmed. Some steps to prevent burnout include:

Self-care: Why It Matters

There’s a lot of information out there today on ways to take care of yourself! In fact, there’s so much, it’s easy to gloss over it. Or to think that it’s mostly for people who have time for it. Oops! Almost everyone can make some time for self-care. The bottom line is doing so, along with giving yourself permission to do so.

Self-care is an investment in yourself! The you of today, tomorrow, and in the years to come. Once you begin to use some of the tips shared here, you’ll be surprised how easy it is. That includes ways to fit self-care into your usual routines.

Self-care Tips

In a lot of ways, this leaves the best for last! This is when you find out that there are fun aspects to self-care. Just think of any 3 or 4 year old kid you’ve known. They love all that running around, giggling, and making silly noises and faces. We can do the same, so to speak. That happens by:

When you or anyone you know is feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or burned out, it’s a good idea to talk it with someone. It also helps to read up on tips that help you in your caregiving role. That’s one approach we are taking here at uCarenet+. We are developing resources that support and encourage you in your home caregiver role. Please check back frequently to review any new items we’ve posted.

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