Family Resources Homecare

The Benefits of Senior Home Care During Pandemics and Flu Outbreaks

Nectarios Charitakis, uCarenet CEO

May 21, 2022


If you are thinking that senior home care involves a lot of planning, you are right! That’s one reason why learning about its benefits in relation to easily transmitted illnesses is a good first step. As you learn about the ways senior home care helps to keep your elder loved one safe, you’re also taking some planning steps. The two go hand-in-hand!

Fortunately, information is continually updated about the advantages of senior home care and how best to plan. This means you don’t have to start from scratch.

Topics Include:

Keeping Seniors Safe at Home

When you think of keeping a senior family member safe at home, there are many topics to consider. Some have to do with taking medications safely or preventing falls. Since early 2020, families’ focus has been on taking steps to prevent COVID-19 infections. Families want to keep everyone safe. That includes taking steps to ensure that the people entering a senior’s home are healthy and safe.

The Basics: Assuring Safety by Knowing When It’s Time for Home Care

There are signs to watch for that let you know it’s time to plan for elder home care.

The Specifics: Health Protection and Personalized Care

One of your reasons for looking into home care is to protect your loved one from communicable illnesses. You want to do that as much as possible. This requires added preparation to keep everyone as safe as possible:

Another reason you’re interested in home care is you’re able to assure that your loved one has individual attention and care. This is vital when they have a pre-existing health concern.

No matter what that is, you’ll be able to:

The Ways Senior Home Care Helps an Older Person’s Health

There are multiple ways that being in your home or their own is good for your parents or other elder loved one. Some are apparent, like the benefit of being among family and friends every day. Other things that promote a sense of wellbeing include:

One point that stands out when your loved one lives in their own home or yours is limiting their exposure to contagious illnesses. That means they’re less likely to catch:

Steps to Promote a Senior’s Social-Emotional Wellbeing

The emotional wellbeing of your elder loved one is very important. When they’re happy and engaged they feel better all over. This affects their health and ability to engage in life. Your loved one is able to enjoy:

One of the beauties of living in a home care setting is being able to plan each day according to your loved one’s wishes.

Doing so includes some common-sense steps plus those that require some planning. This Care Options gives ideas and links to more tips on elder health and wellbeing.

This means taking care of yourself too! Balancing Work and Caregiving links to papers that prepare you. Some of this leads to looking into financial planning, now and for the future. This step is very important for your whole family.

Tips for Making Home Care Affordable for Your Family

Chances are your elder loved one talked in the past about care during the last years of their life. They might be worried about the cost. They’ve been concerned for you as well as for their own wellbeing. People worry about outliving their retirement savings plans. They also worry that their monthly Canada Pension Plan (CPP) benefit will not pay for their needs. There are resources to help you with financial planning steps.

As you explore these sites, keep watch for community groups activities for elders as some provide some respite during the day. These are unique to each town and municipality. Talking with friends and neighbors about their elder care experiences adds to your decision-making.

The People to Involve in Planning for Elder Home Care

With your parents aging, you become more aware of role changes within the family. Your parents once cared for your generation. They then enjoyed their independence, something they are reluctant to give up. Yet you can now see them declining. It is time to make some decisions about their care. You know this needs to be handled with care and patience.

It’s surprising how delicate this part of planning can be. That’s due to:

Your goal is to find support and ways to bring family members together. To begin, you can talk with:

Decisions can be made in-person or via phone or video conference meetings.

Remember that there are various options to choose from for your elder loved one’s care. The one you select may change in the future based on your family member’s need and your personal circumstances.

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